Tips on How to Help Your Child Learn and Succeed

Having a child of your own comes with many responsibilities. One of them includes helping them enhance their learning skills to prepare them for academic studies. It’s important to find out their learning style as it varies for all children. There are also many ways of helping them throughout their learning and school experience. We’ve listed the following tips below.

Ask for feedback from their teachers or counsellors

Your children’s teacher or counsellors can provide you with feedback on how they are progressing with their academic studies. They can also provide you with a recommendation on how best to help your children improve their learning abilities further. You could ask how well your children are performing on home works and projects.

Encourage your children

Life can be busy, but it’s vital to find the time to encourage your children when you can or when they need support. Depending on your children, it’s worth using an approach that works best for them.

Give praises

Praise them on their small achievements as this can encourage them to keep going and improve their academic studies even further. Help them realise their potential by continuously praising them with their talents and abilities. Praises and affirmation can help children see what they are capable of and what they can accomplish.… Read the rest

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The advantages of private tutoring



Private tutoring is essential for students who are struggling with learning their academics. There are different kinds of private tutoring. One example involves the tutor visiting your own home to provide private lessons for your children. There’s also a learning centre where you can visit after school for private lessons.


Most schools have larger groups in classes, and it may be difficult for students to reach out to their teachers when they are in need of help. This is where your private tutor can step in. Children can closely communicate with their private tutor when they are in need of help. Below we’ll discuss other benefits of private tutoring.


Improve grades


Often students may need a private tutor when they are falling behind with their classes or are struggling to pass and achieve a particular grade. Particularly for students who are moving onto a higher education, reaching a high grade is critical to get a place in the college they wish to attend.


Learning disability


For students who have a learning disability including dyslexia or ADHD can highly benefit from private lessons. This way they can take their time to learn, and their tutors can help alongside to help them do well in their education.Read the rest

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Benefits of Private School

private school


For many parents, deciding on the education of your child is an important matter. You will be faced with the question of whether your child should attend a public or a private school. Although public schools are free and can provide a good education, private school has a lot more benefits for your children and are worth the extra expense. Below we’re going to discuss the advantages of attending a private school.


Smaller class size


A private school has less number of students, and they are divided into smaller groups which mean each student can have a closer relationship with their teacher and their classmates. Forming a good relationship with the teacher can easily lead to success in their education as the students will be able to communicate closely with them.


Art engagement


Private schools tend to create their programs which usually involves a variety of art including drama, musicals, painting and craft. This type of program can help the children to develop their hidden talents and increase their overall confidence.


Higher level


One of the great advantages of private schools is that students are more likely to be challenged academically. They provide higher criteria than a public school.Read the rest

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Top universities around the world

When it comes to applying for universities, a quality education is highly important. Enrolling yourself in a good University is vital if you want to get the best education and best grades. So to help you look for the best universities all around the world, we’ve gathered some of the top Universities below.

Harvard University

There is no doubt that Harvard University is one of the top universities in the whole world. Many well-known figures including Theodore Roosevelt and John Adams were once a student at Harvard. Many universities specialise on a particular subject, with Harvard, they offer the best law and medicine program for students. Harvard is also known for pushing boundaries in learning. However, to be accepted as a student at Harvard, you will need to have a high score on your subjects.

University of Tokyo

The University of Tokyo is mainly popular for students who wants to enrol for business or science related courses. Many experts all around the world visit the university for lectures and important research. To get in, you must be able to speak Japanese as the lectures are carried out in their language.

University of Cambridge

Situated in the UK, the University of Cambridge is famed for its academic excellence and their architectural old buildings and libraries.Read the rest

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Learning styles

home school

Are you thinking of learning a new skill? If so before finding a skill you want to learn, you may want to reflect on how effectively you can learn those skills. It’s ideal to know what learning style you have to make sure that you can absorb those skills in the best way and one that suits you the most.

We are all unique, and therefore we all learn differently. You may unconsciously find that you use a particular method for learning based on our experience. But other learning techniques may even be better for you. To help you find the best learning style, we’ve gathered the following articles with different learning styles.

Which Learning Style Works For You?

Learning styles are simply the method of instructions that a person best learns information. There are four main learning styles that are generally agreed upon: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic. The grouping of these four categories is referred to as VARK in education theory. There are many other theories about dozens of learning styles and their uses in the classroom as well.

Someone with a strong visual learning style may have difficulty with subjects taught in other formats. For example, a visual learner may struggle with a lecture or audio lesson where there is no visual material at all.… Read the rest

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Top 4 benefits of distance education

Education contributes a lot to a person’s development. A good education will give you better financial security and provide personal development. You should invest in education to meet the rapid changes that take place in our economy. Now you don’t need to travel miles to get a good education. Distance education is now getting popularity. Here are the main benefits of distance education.

Higher education is accessible to all

Distance education eliminates any borders and barriers. It gives everyone the opportunity to learn. There are many online courses that are offered for free as well. So, you can learn anything online. Also, the degree or certificate you get after completing an online course is given the same value by the employers as normal university courses.

Online studies allow full flexibility

In the past, if you had to get an advanced degree, you had to quit your job. Online education has made it possible to continue work and education simultaneously. It is a new way of learning that offers flexibility.

Improve time management skills

With distance education, a student becomes an independent learner.Students develop not only their self-discipline but also their time management skills. You should make time for your readings and coursework.… Read the rest

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Top 5 skills you need to be successful in life

Success doesn’t come automatically. You have to work hard to achieve. Also, you must have developed certain skills that will help you to be successful in life. Here are the important skills you need.

Sales skills

You should have good sales skills. It is not only required when it si your direct job role. You need sales skills during team meetings, product management, customer service, business development, and many other areas. If you have good sales skill, then you will have an advantage over others. If you have convinced someone to do any job or have retail experience, then you know you already have sales skills.

Transferable skills

You have many experiences throughout your life. You do volunteer works, part-time jobs, pursue your hobby, etc. These experiences can help you with your full-time job. You acquire lots of skills through the different experiences you have and all these add up to have a positive effect on your career.

Ability to ask

You should learn how to ask. If you don’t ask, you won’t receive anything. For example, you need to ask for your promotion or grab a huge sales deal. You should first try asking in non-work related situations. For example, when you go grocery shopping, you can ask the vendor to lower the price of cucumber.… Read the rest

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